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 Keel Uphaul

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
NickM Posted - 17 Sep 2010 : 19:37:54
Just spotted on my Stratos Keel that the 5mm bolt which runs across the bracket at the top of the keel, and to which the keel uphaul block & tackle assembly is attached, was bent way out of shape. Could have been embarrassing if it has sheered with the keel down... It was a real job to get it off. I have now replaced it with a 6mm bolt and hope for the best. Any other keel owners had a similar problem? Might be worth checking.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
angus Posted - 05 Jul 2015 : 11:31:59
Ian, could you let me know if replacing rope helped as i have major problems with moving the keel up or down!
Ian S Posted - 20 Aug 2013 : 20:14:47
I Have also replaced mine with a 6mm ... Started off with a spare 6mm pin & split ring, then realised (crunch) it would not go into the keel slot like this, !! SO replaced again with a stainless 6mm bolt from ... Tightened up, and then ground off the excess bolt and about half the nut with an angle grinder - probably welded bolt to nut in the process!! This works well, and doesnt bend, or leave anything proud at either end. Have also swapped the 8mm lifting line which I inherited with the boat for a 6mm, as the 8mm was making the lifting & dropping far too difficult. Next job is a spinlock swivel for the kite uphaul, and potentially trapeze wires...!!


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